Growing Leadership By Growing Faith

Growing Leadership By Growing Faith

8 But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now! Joshua 23:8 (NIV)

We are ALL leaders.  We all lead SOMETHING or SOMEONE. 

My sister wouldn’t think of herself as a leader.  The job she loves is closer to the bottom of the ladder than the top.  She is an aide to students. Kids watch her and witness the way she lives.  She models behavior and attitudes towards others, right ways to act toward others and safety in the environment.  This is definitely a leadership role as much as a servant role.

With age, experience, and maturity we increase in our role model and leadership responsibilities.  Even within our own families, the older the kids get, the harder life gets, and the more they need wise counsel and guidance.  The more influence I have the greater my prayers become that God would direct me in all I say and do.

With greater demand for our influence and help, we need to sharpen our ability to point others to Jesus.  Whether it’s our family, co-workers, or community, we can make a sizeable impact on others and for God.  I pray that I would reflect Jesus’ love to those I serve and lead them to follow Him. 

Our ability to lead and inspire others should increase throughout the course of our lives.  The longer we know God, study His Word, and develop our relationship with Him the more evident our growth and dependence on God should be.  We should inspire people to get to know and trust God to see them through life’s challenges in the same way we know and trust God for our lives.

How has your guidance and influence changed over time? 
Who is watching your Christian walk and what are they seeing? 
When has your faith and trust in God carried you through life’s challenges?