
The Garden

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God… Romans 3:23 (NIV)

When we think of the Garden of Eden, so many quick thoughts come to mind: Old Testament, In the beginning, God, perfect creation, made in the image of God, all reflecting the glory of God.

By Genesis chapter 3, we see God’s masterpiece-man and woman-falling short of His glory as they follow the serpent into sin. So soon after creation, God had a plan to reunite His beloved children back to Himself and with victory over sin.

Already in Chapter 3 of the whole Bible, we see God knowing He would send His son to earth as a baby, to live a perfect, holy life so that He, Jesus, could be our perfect blameless lamb. Jesus, our sacrifice on Good Friday, died to pay our price for sin.

We are not perfect, we all sin, and we all fall short. We all need a savior.

Is Jesus your savior?
Is your sin covered by His perfect precious blood?
Are your sins forgiven or are you still striving to pay a price you cannot pay? Surrender my friend.

Come to Jesus. He came for you. Jesus offers Himself as your sacrifice.