
Lead the Way

10 Jesus said, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 (NIV)

Jesus called Himself the “Son of Man.”  He was declaring Himself the Messiah.  The audience of these words understood Jesus was the One they long waited for thousands of years.
Jesus was sent by God the Father to earth to reach lost people.  God’s people in this time were looking for a rescuer, for someone they hoped for, someone who would restore them. 

Today there are so many lost people looking for happiness and purpose.
In crisis, people are looking for help, rescue, and hope.
Those who have it made in life, have it all but they feel empty.  They too look for lasting happiness and purpose.  Today people are looking for the heart of God and Believers are to lead the way.

Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus.  But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2 NIV

Jesus eats with a den of sinners.  He eats with the cheats and tax collectors.  He’s hanging with sinners as friends.  The church people grumbled.  (We are still good at grumbling.) 

Religious people think that God is so holy and perfect that He would never get around sin.  It’s simply not true.  While God is perfectly holy and cannot be with sin, it is for this reason He sent His Son.  Jesus came to know, and love lost sinful people.  Jesus is the way, truth, and light to the Father.

Jesus revealed to us the heart of the Father.  Jesus goes where the sinners are.
Believers are to go to others but do not sin with them.  Instead, in love lead them away from sin and lead the way to Christ and unity with God.