

Heritage Church Christmas Offering

As many of you know – in the Fall of 2024, we will be launching our 3rd campus in the Stony Creek, Rochester area and we are super excited about it! With the launch of this new campus –  our goal is to raise $1.5 million and so far we have had pledges of over $900,000which is absolutely incredible. Along with our Christmas series, our Year-End and Christmas Offering will be going directly towards our new campus and will also support the build out of a new space for our Pantry and an organization called The Refuge, up in Imlay City. If you are looking for any more information on what this offering is going towards – I highly encourage you to go back and watch our series, “Just Do It”, or click the button below! On behalf of everyone here at Heritage, we thank you so much for your generosity and partnership! 

**If giving towards the Year-End and Christmas Offering, please be sure to choose “Christmas Offering 2023” on the drop down tab!